Thu 02 Jan
Come get out of the rain and relax!!! EmIlY, Independent 886-6792 Im here till the sun goes down - 29
(Oklahoma City, I-40 & Meridian)
Call for APPT... CHANDLER (the Blonde) has cancellations.. Rebecca's 405-921-9128 Call Now - 48
(Oklahoma City, Edmond)
Nude B2B GRIND... A RoMaNtiC Session with ME!! Candles,Shower,Soft MuSiC & a NUDE oily 38ddd PlayToy - 25
————— GORGEOUS Staff ————#❶ ———— GRAND OPEN——————— Tysons WellBeing - 23
(Northern Virginia, ⚑===== VIENNA/MCLEAN/TYSONS)
█•❤Brazilian Bombshell KILLER Curves•❤•█Start the year off right and make Fantasy come TRUE!Reviewed - 24
(Northern Virginia, Arlington)