Mon 06 Jan
Hey guys I'm New and ready to play!!!! With great low rates!!!! $50 New picture. - 24
(lexington, I/c or o/c to lexington only)
Hey guys ready to make your NIGHT or DAY one to remember! - 25
(Bowling Green, Eastern Kentucky, INCALL/OUTCALL, Lexington, Louisville, Western Kentucky)
◾🎀 ▃▆💖💛💖▓ ▆▓▓💖▓▓▆ 💕ADDICTIVE MOUTH ▃▆▓▓💖▓▓▆▃ SWEET&JUICY; ▃▆▓▓▓▆▃9802224375 ☏ CALL NOW ▃▆▓▓💖💛💖 ( - 47 - 47
(Lexington, lexington,kentuky)
Asia Available Now with her new friend 💋💦. 80$ Specials INCALLS AND OUT CALLS - 19
(Rochester, Rochester NY)
★♀♀ ASIA'S LANDD specials all day and night last night in-town 🚼🚼 ( . ) ( . ) &i; NEVER SAY NO - 23
(Rochester, OUTCALL only (incall for known clients))
60ss 80hh West Ridge rd Incalls Let's have fun 💦💦💦💦! - 20
(Rochester, West ridge rd incalls/outcalls)
❤AbSoLuTeLy AmAziNg❤CoMe PLaY WiTh Me ❤#1 MoSt WaNtEd Puerto rican mami! Outcalls only! i party to! - 21
(private residence/discreet, Rochester)
💕75.75.75 💋$$PECIAL🍭 2night 😍 sexy, fun size, skilled💋, ready, Candy"descret🍬🍭 - 19
(Rochester, 146yours)
Δℳ♚♥☏♛ℳΔ 20YR old MoDEL Δℳ♚♥☏♛ℳΔ InDiAn MiXbarbie Δℳ♚♥☏♛ℳΔ EXOTIC TIGHT QUEEN Δℳ♚♥☏♛ℳΔ what more - 20
(Rochester, W.Henrietta INN /OUT Surroundings)
▓ ▒60 60 60 60 Special Today HHR ❤* ▒ ▓ * •UNFÕ®G €TTÂBL€ • PL€Â$U®ÂBL€ • EXP€®I€NC€ *▓ ▒ *☆.•* - 22
(Rochester, private incalls Only)
💎Diamond💎your mixed exotic beauty...I'm ready to please you💋 - 24
(Lexington, Lexington ky, Richmond rd)
ETERNITY 1OO% Rεaℓ ♥ ♥ Blonde ßεαuty ♥ ♥#1 Pℓαγmαtε♥ Best Reviews In The State♥ - 27
(lexington, Lexington ~ your place or mine)
CLIENT APPRECIATION Day Best deal ever 50hh or 100hr CALL me 859 940-5451! Last day of specials - 27
(Lexington, Lexington/ Richmond Rd)
❤💋❤💋❤ Your Wish My Command ❤💋❤💋 Better Then The Rest 💋❤💋❤ Incall Specials 80$ - 24
(West Valley, incall phx)
___ Your _ Perfect _ Choice _ For _ An _ AfterNoon _ Of _ Fun . . . . . Sexy - Busty - Discrete - - 36
(East Valley)
YUMMY ____ $60 ____ * MiXxED CARMEL ____ $60___ * PeRFeCT BoDY*______ (B)O(O)T(Y) _____ uPLaTE! - 22
TiGhT *-* EboNy *-* SPiNNeR *-*-* SuPeR Wett SeDuCTioN *-*-* - 24 / 7 - 20
(I-10 exit chandler blvd)
▒░*❤. SWEET ❤*♥•░▒▓ * ❤.•* SEXY •.❤* ░▒▓ •♥• ★ & ★ ♥• NAUGHT¥* ❤ - 22
(Phx North, Your House Hotel or Resort ;))
**Specials** Erotic...Sensual.... Come and Enjoy yourself! ..... *Fettish Kitten*.... *Temptress*.. - 21
(West Valley, TEMPE)
★ ♥ ✦ Some Girls Say No ► I Say Yes ✦ ♥ ★ - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, East Mesa / incall and outcall)
*:. PlAy :*¨¨*:: Time :*¨¨*:Fellas *:. ➜(( IM AVAiLABLE )) ➜ ☀ - 25
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen)
№➊ ReQUESTED (MixeD RedheaD) ✰ IdeaL FreaK✰ = Incall Specials - 20
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KiLLeeN - (Hwy190))
√√ 3CCIE VERIFIED Provider ( 60 Specials) !![THE ONE AND ONLY German Beauty Anika Addison √ √√√ - 33
(Killeen, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
❤ 💲🌼👑👍Best BBW Specails!😄😘🐱💙🌹 45Qv,50Hh,100Fh💙💪🌼🎁👍 ❤ 254-340-0554 ❤😄😅😈👄💰💲🌼 - 23 - 23
(Killeen, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Passion at it's Best, Dont stop until it happens!!! Super Special 24/7 - 28
(East Valley, scottsdale)
°*ஐ*° NEW IN TOWN ; SWEEET ; PETiTE ; SEXy ;WHiTE ; HOTTiE °*ஐ* - 25
(West Valley, West Valley(83rd ave and McDowell))
_C_O_M_E_ * _&_ *T_A_K_E_ * _M_Y_ * _P_A_N_T_I_E_S_ * _O_F_F_!!!! - 23
(S_C_O_T_T_S_D_A_L-E_ * _ IC/ OC _)
SEXY HOT 9 inc fully loaded 2days only !! must see !!!! TS GINA 2days only!!! call me 1913-360-9587 - 24
★¸. •'´¯ LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY LittLe ★SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ★ BIG SurPrise ;) - 25
(Philadelphia, Bristol Bridge-Burlington (INCALLS))
[✔] VerY ADDICTivE ♔•°°•★SUP€R FR€AK¥★ ♥ØN€ Dا€ & YØU'LL B€ HØØK€D ★••★ - 21
(Philadelphia, city line ave)
My NIPPLES are arroused! Come play! Take a peek..NO PANTIES! PENNY - 28
(greater northeast incall up late, North, Philadelphia)
•°•★•° NeW 2 BiZ ..SiNFULLY DeLiCioUS Super Busty Curvy GoDDeSS* •°•★•° - 22
(Philadelphia, YOUR PLACE NOW)
$ Mya illeeina The porn Star 👉👉specials 👈 24/7. (a true thick chick) - 21
(Philadelphia, Northeast,(OutCalls to everywhere))
💋❤💋 MoNster BooTy ExOtic GorGeous Peach 💋❤💋 Here For Your Pleasure Only!!! - 25
(Philadelphia, Philadelphia (safe, discreet) Incalls)
Come Explore Your Most Erotic Fantasy With Katrina Nice Fat BOOTY DD'S ~FETISH PROVIDER~70 SPECIALS - 23
❤️Baby I'm The BEST, Nothing Like The Rest❤️ Last Night Here!! - 20
(Philadelphia, incalls & Outcalls Extra)
$60 Gia Bbw here 4 all you fellas with a sweet tooth♡♡♡24/7 ~flat rates~specials~fetish friendly$60 - 25
(Philadelphia, Philadelphia olney section)
Established Escort Agency Now Hiring For Busy Season Call Today (215) 645-2284 - 40
(Philadelphia Area)
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Star 🍭🍬service 😗😘Guarantee❗❗ I'm⛥ the⛧⛦ best🤗😎 in the biz😷🤓 - 26
(Antioch, Antioch Pittsburg Oakley Brentwood, East Bay)
★KiLLeR M¤U+H ♥ SoFt LiPs & CuRvY HiPs ♥ SUPER T!GHT ♥100% Real★♛iTALiAN Fr€@k ♥ - 21
(Philadelphia, northeast, Roosevelt blvd)
SᏇℰℰT 💖 ⅅᎥscℛeeƮ:*¨Latina Beauty 1 Οf A ΚιηD 💖꧂ 💋 • ✂ Cut Out the Fakes!!!!✘🇽 ✘.↭Y➓uℕᏩ 💖 CLASSY - 21
(Concord, East Bay, Fremont)